What is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary means?
Feast of Assumption is the Christian occasion that celebrates the belief that God "assumed" or raised Virgin Mary's body into heaven to be united with her soul on this day. Assumption of Mary is celebrated on August 15th as a holy day obligation.
Why is the feast day of Assumption of Mary important?
The day reminds us of her divine example and fulfilling God's will in her entire life. She is a good role model for the whole of all generations.
These special feast days point out that one day our bodies will also be raised and united with our souls in heaven.
General question about the Assumption of Mary in the Bible?
The answer is no; it's considered the primary Christian belief that the faith is handed over through a shared tradition, not only a religious book.
How do you celebrate the Assumption of Mary?
The Assumption of Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation, which means you are obligated to attend Mass and treat it as a Sunday. It's a public holiday on many counters. Abstain from the daily work activities or any business routines that would prevent the worship from being given to God. Spiritual readings, meditations, Symbolic images of the Virgin Mary, and her assumption into heaven have been associated with the day with the colorful procession to celebrate the Assumption of Mary through the streets and fireworks displays. Blue, the sky color, is the color most often connected with the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes truth, clarity, and heaven. One another symbol is the lily, which means purity, innocence, and simplicity.